Why Air Pressure Gauge does not go back to ZERO when I deflate the air?

Why Air Pressure Gauge does not go back to ZERO when I deflate the air ?

To see weather where the problem is, see followings for testing steps for reference. 

In this case, we described the case with Dual Air Pressure gauge. 
Scenario: Dual Air Pressure Gauge, top readouts stays at 2psi after deflation and does not go back to ZERO readouts. (Check the problem is from gauges, sensors, or air suspension system)


1. Turn the power ON. (After installation completed) Trying to re-occur the situation. 

2. Deflate the upper airbag to see if it stays at 2psi. If the readouts stays at 2psi, unplug the bottom pressure sensor and switch to the upper one. If the gauge can drop to ZERO, means the gauges and sensors are working. There is air left after deflation. 


Air Pressure Gauge Air Suspension Gauge Dual Air Pressure Gauge Air Ride Gauge Air bag Suspension Gauge

See more Dual Air Pressure Gauge