Custom Auto Meter Gauges
We are the leading OEM and ODM manufacturer of high quality of car meter gauges and auto temperature sensor. All the products are carefully developed and meet customers' requests, several gauges such as for automotive, marine, motorcycle, heavy machinery and so on. Welcome to browse our products as following.

501-19 Temperature Sensor

501-20 Temperature Sensor Wired

B02-T52OP-3 Oil Pressure Gauge Bar

502-92 Boost Sensor
B02-T52WL-3 Water Level Gauge

Electrical Pressure Sensor Transducer Transmitters Aluminum Rico

Oil Temp Pressure Adapter

Electrical Ceramic Pressure Sensor Transducer Transmitter

Pressure Adapter
B02-T52FL-2 Fuel Level Gauge

502-89 Mechanical Oil Pressure Gauge

Water Temp Sensor Adapter